Jamstack Delivers!

Jamstack is Perfect for Marketers

Give marketers the tools they love!

The Marketing Stack

The Jamstack architecture empowers companies to enable marketers to use the tools they love that enable fast content updates, seamless sitewide changes, and scalable delivery β€” perfect for those posts and stories that go viral!

Streamlined Content Updates and Rapid Deployment

React swiftly to market shifts with Jamstack's streamlined content updates. Decouple content from presentation to expedite deployments, bypassing the need for developer involvement in routine updates.

Jamstack's adaptability shines with its plug-and-play capability for an array of marketing tools such as CRM-based signup forms, the insightful Plausible Analytics, advanced A/B testing and many other online marketing services, enriching your campaign's impact.

Robust CDN for Surging Campaign Traffic

Harness the power of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that scales effortlessly with your campaign traffic, ensuring high availability and consistent performance during peak marketing blitzes.

Serve Multiple Branches for A/B Testing

Unlock the potential of A/B testing with Netlify's multi-branch deployment capabilities. By serving different branches of your repository as separate deployments, Netlify enables you to test variations of your site in real-time, allowing for data-driven decisions. This feature is invaluable for marketers seeking to optimize user experience and conversion rates. A/B testing on Netlify is not just about choosing the better option, but it’s a continuous improvement process that can lead to significantly enhanced performance and user engagement.

Economical and Efficient

Leverage the cost-effective nature of Jamstack sites. Enjoy low or reduced hosting fees and minimal maintenance so you can invest your marketing dollars where they count: in reaching and engaging your audience.

Perfect for marketers, Jamstack is the modern framework for those who value efficiency, agility, and performance in their digital strategies.

Gravital Digital

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